Friday, 12 October 2012

Robert Rodriguez Report

Robert Rodriguez
Robert Anthony Rodriguez that mostly called Robert Rodriguez was born on June 20, 1968. He was born in San Antonio, Texas. Her mother named Rebecca who is a nurse and Cecilio who is a salesman. At 11 he began to be interested in film because his father brought him a VCR so this is the start of his journey.

Robert is an American Film Director, Screenwriter, Producer, Cinematographer, Editor and a Musician. In Texas and Mexico there he shoots and produces most of his films. He directed some films such as Shark boy and Lava Girl, Machete, Predators, Spy Kids and Sin City. He operates a production company called Troublemakers Studios. His first Hollywood hit was the Spy Kids where he got $100, 000, 000. In all of his work, he had done so many movies that are top-rated. He has an unbelievable tactics when it comes to his movies. Rodriguez had signed on and had been announced as director of the film Sin City because during that time. He also created a series of "Ten Minute Film School" and  "Ten Minute Cooking School"

The 10-minute film/flick school is about some tips and tricks when it comes to filming. He gave us some tips that we can apply when we come to the point of filming without using expensive budgets; that we can film anything even though we don’t have an expensive camera’s; that we could use things that aren’t expensive and/or that we are using in our daily lives. The film was all about how to use the camera (it can be old or new camera). The main point was all people can film in a way that if we like to do it, we can find a way to pursue it, even though we don’t have a budget, there are still things that we can use and it is more creative and unique.
     Robert shot the film in complete silence, in order to capture the appropriate sequence. Then he recorded the sound and dialogue on the second take on external recording device, and after that he add the sound effects. He only had one camera to use for the full shoot. By filming sequences in one long take with just one camera, he had to freeze the action after one take or during the take and change the camera angle to a different position or do a close-up on the individual and continue shooting.
Some tips that we should apply are:
>Lighting – We should use desk lamps with 200-watt bulbs; add some gels and diffusers to the set.
>Guns – Props can have a huge budget so just use water pistols as a backup gun or borrow a police gun with permission to fire blanks from with the police on set.
>Filming- Film the firing of one shot from different angles. Edit with other scene shots and dubbing of a machine gun firing.
>No crew – Get all the actors to muck in when there not shooting a scene.
>Use 2 lenses – Zoom lens for dialogue or close-ups –and wide lens for all other scenes.
Use a wheelchair – Instead of a dolly.
>Local officials – Include in film to avoid complaints and resistance.
>Truck – Simple truck for all your gear and equipment needed for the shoot.

Self Evaluation

Name(s): Kathlyn Zales
Date: November 6, 2012
Class: CM 10
Assignment: Robert Rodriguez Report Self Evaluation

How would you rate your effort?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your use of class time?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your process? Did you follow all the required steps?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your creativity?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your overall end product?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

Total Points 21 points (25 max)

If you were to do this assignment again what would you do differently? (5 points)
 If I were to do this again differently I will videotape it, including all the info's and have a lil' bit of video including his work.

What have you improved on by doing this assignment? (5 points)
I improved more by observing the things. Being an observer is a part of being discipline.

If you were to offer a future student advice about this assignment, what would it be? (5 points)
I would say that he should be observant for the things that he use, steps and techniques. it'll be easier to apply these thing is you know and if you remember all of it.

Do you have any suggestions for me the teacher if I assign this assignment again? (5 points)
I would suggest that it should include shooting on this report, 'cause it'll be fun if we will be a reporter in just one moment.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

30 Second Audio by KZ

Self Evaluation

Name(s): Kathlyn Zales
Date: October 11, 2012
Class: CM 10
Assignment: 30 Second Audio

How would you rate your effort?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your use of class time?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your process? Did you follow all the required steps?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your creativity?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your overall end product?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

Total Points 21 (25 max)

If you were to do this assignment again what would you do differently? (5 points)
I will change my topic (or the theme of my audio), the quality and the background.

What have you improved on by doing this assignment? (5 points)
Again, I become more creative in a  way that I should think in advance what background should I use, and i  view it on my mind if its gonna be a good project and if it interesting.

If you were to offer a future student advice about this assignment, what would it be? (5 points)
You should take it seriously because it can help you to improved your skills, imagination and creativity.

Do you have any suggestions for me the teacher if I assign this assignment again? (5 points)
None, it's quite good.

30 sec audio

Monday, 1 October 2012

30 Second Video

 Self Evaluation

A self evaluation must be completed for all assignments. Copy and paste the following template into your blog post. Answer all the questions.

Name(s): Kathlyn Joy Zales
Date: October 1, 2012
Class: CM10
Assignment: 30 Second Video and Script

How would you rate your effort?
<b>4 good</b>

How would you rate your use of class time?
<b>4 good</b> 

How would you rate your process? Did you follow all the required steps?
  <b>4 good</b>  

How would you rate your creativity?
 <b>4 good</b>  

How would you rate your overall end product?
<b>5 excellent</b>  

Total Points: 21

If you were to do this assignment again what would you do differently? (5 points)
 - I will do the same thing, but I'll make sure that I'll improve it more and add on more stuffs and specifically use other tools or props.

What have you improved on by doing this assignment? (5 points)
- I improved my thinking skills in a way that i should think what can I do to make a good script and how will I deliver it.

If you were to offer a future student advice about this assignment, what would it be? (5 points)
-Think seriously, because it is not just about the script but the skills and knowledge you put in the project and specially the creativity of your mind.

Do you have any suggestions for me the teacher if I assign this assignment again? (5 points)
That we can edit it and put some cool stuffs..

30 Second Video by KZ