Monday, 26 May 2014

Paper Stop Motion

 Self Evaluation

Name(s): Kathlyn Zales
Date: 05/26/14
Class: Animation 20
Assignment: Paper Stop Motion

How would you rate your effort?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your use of class time?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your process? Did you follow all the required steps?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your creativity?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your overall end product?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

Total Points: 25 (25 max)

If you were to do this assignment again what would you do differently? (5 points)
  •  If I were to do this assignment again I would make sure that I would have a stand for the ipad so that if I will take a picture of it the background will really stay in the right place so that if you input it together it will really show that the moving object will the one that is really moving, it is hard if you're taking pictures but then your background is moving too. Also, I would really make a plan so that I will not come to the point where my mind will suddenly change because I don't like what I just did or it doesnt look good.. Because I changed a lot of stuffs while doing the assignment, so it is realy important to be organize.

What have you improved on by doing this assignment? (5 points)
  • I have improved a lot when doing this because I really had a hard time on doing this assignment in a way that I have to think a certain subject for the assignment without having lots of hard drawing stuff (because im really not good at drawing haha), so I really have to think that even though I am not good at drawing I must have a good subject in which I will put effort on and show that I use my time to make this assignment the best that I can. I have improved my creativity because even though I am not really a good drawer, only the basic things I drew were the trees and clouds, a butterfly, etc, but these basic things help me to create a good stop motion and I am very proud of it. Also, I improved my creativity in a way that I really have to think how my characters will stand and how am I going to move them, what angle am I going to take a picture of it.

If you were to offer a future student advice about this assignment, what would it be? (5 points)
  • As I said awhile ago, you have to be organize, you have to think first all the things you have to consider when you start doing the assignment. Also, just enjoy doing it because it may not be easy because you have to spend a lot of time when you started to do it but just enjoy and it will be a lot easier. Be proud on what you have done because you were the one who put everything on it, If you know to yourself that you are satisfied then it will end up good, and use your time wisely!

Do you have any suggestions for me the teacher if I assign this assignment again? (5 points)
  •  None so far, the assignment was really fun and it is one of the assignment that I enjoyed so far because I had the chance to improve a lot of things, to discover new things and spend my own time to create something like this that I thought before I start doing it is that I cannot do it because of the fact that I am not a good drawer, but yes it was really fun and helps me to boost my self-confidence! :D

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