Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Personal Logo




Self Evaluation:
Date: 05/06/2014
Class: GA20
Assignment: Personal Logo

How would you rate your effort?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your use of class time?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your process? Did you follow all the required steps?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your creativity?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

How would you rate your overall end product?
5 excellent   4 good   3 average   2 fair   1 poor

Total Points: 25 (25 max)

If you were to do this assignment again what would you do differently? (5 points)
Maybe I would just clean some parts in the good copy if there is some extra paints or something, and maybe I could explain it more further..

What have you improved on by doing this assignment? (5 points)
I improved my editing skills because i have to explore Photoshop and I learned some new tools from exploring it and I improved my skills on thinking what logo could I use that it could get or catch the attention of other people that they could remember that the logo personifies me.

If you were to offer a future student advice about this assignment, what would it be? (5 points)
Just think of the things or materials that best suits you, and it would be easy to create a logo for yourself because you are expressing your feelings on how passionate or how much you love that thing, it could really help you to create this assignment without having a lot of difficulties.

Do you have any suggestions for me the teacher if I assign this assignment again? (5 points)
Nope, the assignment was really fun and I really enjoyed doing this assignment because I learned a lot of new tools/techniques in Photoshop and it was really fun because I get to do my own personal logo based on the thing that I really love.

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